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The Competition Tribunal has unconditionally approved the proposed merger wherein Tario 892 (Pty) Ltd intends to acquire shares in RSAWEB through the exercise of a call option on behalf of RSAWEB (Pty) Ltd... Continue reading
The Tribunal has approved the proposed merger subject to conditions which address public interest issues. The merging parties committed to provide funding to establish a bursary scheme for Historically Disadvantaged Persons (“HDPs”) who are candidates for training and development in the information technology (“IT”) sector... Continue reading
To address public interest concerns, Imperial Red agreed to public interest commitments as a condition of approval i.e. it has committed to procuring property maintenance services from suppliers who are Historically Disadvantaged Persons (“HDPs”) for a specified period. Continue reading
The acquiring group (Waterview, Super Group and all the firms controlled by Super Group) owns and operates global sports and iGaming brands. The target properties , comprising A-grade office buildings with parking bays, are located in Cape Town, in the Western Cape... Continue reading
The Competition Tribunal has conditionally approved the proposed merger wherein CP Spruce Holdings S.C SP intends to acquire sole control over Baxter International Inc’s kidney care segment known as Vantive. The proposed transaction has been notified in several jurisdictions worldwide... Continue reading
The Tribunal has unconditionally approved the proposed merger wherein Raubex Roads and Earthworks Holdings (Pty) Ltd seeks to acquire ABI 2 (Pty) Ltd from Acorn Black Investments (Pty) Ltd and Jurupa Limited. Post-merger, RaubexRE will solely control ABI 2... Continue reading
The Tribunal has conditionally approved the proposed merger wherein Khwelamet (Pty) Ltd intends to acquire the sale assets and sale liabilities of the Metalloys Operations, being the operations conducted by Samancor Manganese (Pty) Ltd concerning the smelting, refining and processing of high- and/or medium-carbon ferromanganese... Continue reading
The Competition Tribunal has approved the proposed merger wherein Nikisize (Pty) Ltd intends to acquire Autozone Holdings (Pty) Ltd (In Business Rescue), subject to public interest and competition related conditions... Continue reading
The Tribunal has released the public version of its reasons for issuing an interim order directing Google Ireland Ltd and Google South Africa (Pty) Ltd to allow Lottoland South Africa (Pty) Ltd to access its advertising platform, Google Ads. Google Ads is a service that allows advertisers to display advertisements to users on Google search, with Google Ireland acting as the service provider for Google Ads in South Africa... Continue reading
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