Community Property Company And KG Mall Care of Luvon Investments (Pty) Ltd, Involving the Reporting Firm in Respect of its 45 Percent in the Target Property and Involving Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd in Respect of its 50 Percent interest in the Target Property and Involving Falcon Forest Trading

Case number: LM101Aug22
Case parties: Primary Acquiring Firm: Community Property Company
Primary Target Firm: KG Mall Care
Case type: Large Merger
Type of merger: Horizontal
Case status: Reasons Issued
Outcome: Approved
Order date: 2022-10-03
Sector: Real estate activities
Industry: Real estate activities with own or leased property
Relevant market: Geographic rentable retail space.
Competition Tribunal Members: Andiswa Ndoni, Fiona Tregenna, Shaista Goga