Pick N Pay Stores Ltd And Various Assets and The Businesses Belonging to The Tomis Group of Companies

Case number: LM046Jul23
Case parties: Primary Acquiring Firm: Pick N Pay Stores Ltd
Primary Target Firm: Tomis Group of Companies
Case type: Large Merger
Type of merger: Vertical
Case status: Reasons Issued
Outcome: Approved Subject to Conditions
Order date: 2023-09-05
Sector: Wholesale and retail trade - repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Industry: Slaughtering, dressing and packing of livestock, including poultry and small game for meat
Relevant market: Wholesale and retail markets for processed/packaged beef and lamb products in the Western Cape.
Remedy: 12A(3)(a) industry/sector related
Competition Tribunal Members: Andiswa Ndoni, Fiona Tregenna, Shaista Goga