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Merger Alert
Date of release: 18 November 2022
Type of matter Parties involved Tribunal decision
Large merger Infinity Renewable Energy B.V. And Actis Sky B.V. and Lekela Power B.V. Approved without conditions
The Tribunal has unconditionally approved the large merger wherein Infinity Renewable Energy B.V. (“Infinity Renewable”) intends to acquire Actis Sky B.V. (“Actis Sky”) and Lekela Power B.V (“Lekela Power”). Upon the completion of the proposed transaction, Infinity Renewable will have sole control over Actis Sky and Lekela Power.
This transaction is a sale by a foreign company to another foreign entity. The acquiring group, through its various subsidiaries, largely provides comprehensive renewable energy solutions to power cities, industries and homes. More specifically, these include a wide variety of clean energy solutions across several sectors and on several scales including solar, wind, waste and energy solutions. The target group is primarily active in the generation of renewable power and delivers utility-scale projects that supply clean energy to communities across Africa.
Issued by:

Gillian de Gouveia, Communications Officer
On behalf of the Competition Tribunal of South Africa
Tel: +27 (0) 12 394 1383
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