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Merger Alert
Date of release: 5 September 2022
Type of matter Parties involved Tribunal decision
Large merger SALIC International Investment Company And Olam Agri Holdings Pte. Ltd Approved without conditions
The Tribunal has unconditionally approved the large merger whereby SALIC International Investment Company (“SIIC”) intends to acquire an indirect stake in Olam Agri Holdings Pte. Ltd. (“Olam Agri”). Upon the implementation of the proposed transaction, SIIC will exercise joint control over Olam Agri.
SIIC is a company incorporated under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. SALIC is an investment company with holdings in various international companies specialized in the fields of agriculture and the trading of food commodities. SALIC’s agri-business is focused on farming and origination as well as importing commodities into Saudi Arabia.
Olam Agri is a company incorporated under the laws of Singapore. It is a merchant and processor of agricultural goods, with activities spanning the entire value chain, that is, production, origination, processing, storing, transporting, and merchandising. Olam Agri operates various platforms including oilseeds, grains, cotton, rice, and edible oils.
Issued by:

Gillian de Gouveia, Communications Officer
On behalf of the Competition Tribunal of South Africa
Tel: +27 (0) 12 394 1383
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